About us
About us
Housing Choices Australia is an independent, national, not-for-profit housing provider that delivers high quality, accessible and affordable housing for people on lower incomes and people with disability. While our primary origins were in Victoria, we are now one of Australia’s largest housing providers, with a diverse housing property portfolio and residents reaching across five Australian states.
Our guiding principles
- We put people first. People are central to everything we do. We listen and respond with open and honest communication and a flexible approach.
- We work together. We work collaboratively and in partnership to achieve our mission.
- We trust and are trusted. We keep promises, are accountable and are transparent in our actions.
- We learn and adapt. We aim to inform the policy environment, support our actions with evidence, encourage innovation and continually adapt to a changing environment.
Our entities
The Housing Choices Australia Group and Housing Choices Australia Affiliates include the following entities:
- Housing Choices Australia Limited (Parent entity)
- Housing Choices Tasmania Limited
- Housing Choices South Australia Limited
- Housing Choices NSW Limited
- Housing Choices Western Australia Limited
- Disability Housing Ltd
- Singleton Equity Housing Ltd
- Catherine House Incorporated
- CHT Company Ltd
- Urban Choices Property Limited (Housing Choices Australia Affiliate)